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নারুতো - নারায়ণগঞ্জ সিটি ফ্রেন্ডশিপ সিটি চুক্তি প্রথম বার্ষিকী অনুষ্ঠান / Naruto - Narayanganj City Friendship City Agreement First Anniversary Ceremony


On May 29, Ambassador IWAMA and his wife attended the first-anniversary ceremony of the friendship city agreement between Naruto and Narayanganj City at Ali Ahmed Chunka Library, Narayanganj City. Dr. Salina Hayat Ivy, Honorable Mayor, and representatives of Naruto City attended the program. Japanese side introduced Japanese culture such as Ikebana, a tea ceremony, and a Japanese movie.
Ambassador Iwama said, “People-to-people exchanges are a pillar of the future partnership between the two cities. I would like to convey my sincere thankfulness for the efforts made by both Naruto City and Narayanganj City to make the agreement fruitful.” “I would like to conclude my remarks by expressing my hope that people-to-people exchanges between the two cities will flourish in the future.”