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রাষ্ট্রদূত ইওয়ামা কিমিনোরি মাননীয় যুব ও ক্রীড়া মন্ত্রী জনাব নাজমুল হাসান এমপির সঙ্গে সাক্ষাৎ করেন / Ambassador IWAMA Kiminori paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Nazmul Hassan, M.P., Minister for Youth and Sports


    On March 21, Ambassador IWAMA Kiminori paid a courtesy call on H.E. Mr. Nazmul Hassan, M.P., Minister for Youth and Sports. Ambassador IWAMA congratulated Minister Hassan on his appointment as Minister for Youth and Sports. They exchanged views on sports exchanges and cooperation between the two countries.
    After the meeting, Ambassador IWAMA handed over 50 footballs provided by the Japan Football Association and 100 volleyballs provided by the Japan Volleyball Association to Minister Hassan. These balls were donated to the Bangladesh Football Federation and the Bangladesh Volleyball Federation respectively. This project is part of the MOFA Japan's 2023 "Projects for Sports Diplomacy Enhancement" and is also part of the Japanese government's "Sport for Tomorrow" initiative.