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রাষ্ট্রদূত ইওয়ামা কিমিনোরি ভাসানচরে জাপানি অনুদান এর প্রকল্প এলাকা পরিদর্শন করেন/Ambassador IWAMA Kiminori Visited the Project Site of Japanese Grant in Bhasan Char.


Dhaka, March 7, 2024- 

    On March 7, 2024, Ambassador H.E. Mr. IWAMA Kiminori visited Friendship Primary Health Care Center (FPHCC), Bhasan Char, Noakhali to attend the inauguration ceremony of “The Project for Procurement of Medical Equipment for Pathological Tests and Dental Care in Bhasan Char Island, Noakhali District” provided to NGO “Friendship” by the Government of Japan through the Grant Assistance for Grass-roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP).
    The project is expected to provide continuous and efficient medical services to “Rohingya” patients in Bhasan Char by providing the necessary equipment for pathological tests and dental care such as a Biochemistry Analyzer, a portable Dental X-ray, and others.
    “I hope this equipment will contribute to the provision of quality healthcare services and improve the healthcare environment on Bhasan Char, thereby supporting Bangladesh’s efforts to help “Rohingya” people.”, said Ambassador IWAMA.
    Japan has supported 213 NGO projects through its Grant Assistance for Grass-Roots Human Security Projects (GGHSP) since 1989 with a view to enhancing economic and social human security at the grassroots levels. The total sum of these GGHSP grants extended to NGOs in Bangladesh to date amounts approximately to $16.9 million.